Details of the v1.0 of Darksburg.
Leaving Early Access!
We are incredibly excited to announce we have concluded the Early Access development of Darksburg and have today officially launched Darksburg into 1.0! Firstly we’d like to thank everyone who joined us in Early Access and helped us shape darksburg into what it is today and secondly, we’d like to welcome all the new players who are joining us for the next phase of Darksburgs life!
Going Rogue Update
The « Going Rogue » beta update is here! Introducing the premier Darksburg game mode “Outbreak”, which takes the staples of Darksburg as you know it, and blends it with classic Roguelite gameplay alongside a bunch of changes and updates!
Dolorosa – The Macabre Matron
A strange aura surrounds this mysterious new addition to the team of survivors. An aura which could possibly be attributed to her unfathomably deep understanding of this mysterious infection, her apparent relations to Baron Manfred Von Darksburg himself or to the vaguely undead smell she adorns.
The Blackguard Squad Update
ntroducing a host of bug fixes, minor updates based on player reports and feedback, some system tweaks and… OH YEAH, The Blackguard Squad, a new foe joining the legion of undead that patrol the streets of Darksburg and might be one of the toughest challenges our survivors have seen yet.
Dev Diary III: The Levels
Welcome to the third chapter in the Darksburg Dev Diaries! Where today we will be talking to Lucas and Lary, who make up our amazing level design team, about all the work that goes into creating the world of Darksburg.
Dev Diary II: The Characters
Welcome to the second chapter in the Darksburg Dev Diaries! Where today we will be talking with our Art Director Jérémy and 3D Artist extraordinaire Philémon about all the work that goes into conceiving, creating and finalizing some of the unique and distinctive characters that you’re going have the chance to meet in Darksburg.
Dev Diary I: The Game
Welcome to the first in a series of Dev Diaries that will introduce you to the core concepts of Darksburg, the inspirations that lead us to developing it and the process that our teams go through to take a game from concept to release! In this first video, Game Director Sebastien Vidal and Lead Game Designer Frédéric Oughdentz provide an introduction to the game.